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Our Goals

The New Chairman is fully focused on fighting election results from 2018 (Prop 108) and 2020. We can not have another election Cycle where our focus is not forward and where . Tina is controlling our message and damaging our brand.

I am starting a new organization called We Count!. The first goal is to raise money to do a hand recount here in Mesa County on the three elections that Tina Claims were stolen. We can also take this show on the road to any County who wants to do the same. Those would be the 2020 Presidential Election, the 2021 Municipal Election, and the 2022 GOP Primary for Secretary of State. If the hand recount shows no difference from what the Machines reported, it kind of removes her arguments from reality.

The Second Purpose of We Count! is to start the process to prevent the Colorado GOP from Opting out of the 2024 Primaries.

Next year, there are two Primary Elections; the normal Primary for Statewide and Countywide Offices and the Presidential Primary.

If the GOP Opts Out, it means that we will have no Vote in Choosing the next GOP Presidential Candidate and that a very narrow group of folks selected at the Caucus will control our candidates for 2024 Local and Statewide Elections. 900,000 Republican voters would be left out of the process.

This is all because approximately 90,000 Unaffiliated Ballots were cast in the 2022 Republican Primary. Some of those ballots were from Democrats purposely trying to game the system, but the majority of those were cast by Conservatives who are upset with the GOP for various reasons. I am not sure how the concept of shutting our their voice is going to encourage them to come back to the GOP. And I am not sure how the tactic of telling them we don’t want their voice in the Primary but please vote for us in the General Election actually works out. It seems antithetical.

The ads for the Democrats write themselves: The GOP doesn’t want you to vote!

The third reason for We Count! is to help up the Ballot harvesting Game for Conservatives. It is an area where I failed in Mesa County and the GOP generally fails across Colorado. We all have the right to carry our Ballot and up to 9 other Ballots to the Box. We need to have brigades of Republican Volunteers doing this. The upcoming Municipal and School Board elections across the State can be our warm up to get the kinks out and then a full fledged blitz in the Election of 2024.

Our friends on the Left are practically handing us the Election of 2024 on Issue after Issue. We have to have the motivation to reach out and seize that initiative.

I think our merry band can get the ball rolling. Lets get together for lunch.

Interested in getting involved or hearing more?


PO Box 1094
Clifton, CO